Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Meg & Ryan Go To Chick-Fil-A"

Today we decided to have our very own "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" trip to the nearest Chick-Fil-A. Lucky for us, it was 3 hours away...perfect road trip! We hopped in the car around 9:45am and hit Interstate 81! Just like clockwork, we hit the Schuylkill Mall in Frackville, PA right at 12:45pm and were SO excited...and hungry (we forfeited breakfast and all food until we reached our destination)!
Fueling up before our big run!
In Binghamton, about 2 hours away from our destination!
Getting closer!
Surprise! There was construction in PA!
It's our exit and our mouths were watering!
Here's the mall that is home to the Frackville Chick-Fil-A!

Aaaaahhh!!! We made it!
Best meal ever!
Heading home with our milkshake and extra waffle fries for the road. What a great day!


Auntie Nee' said...

You know....You were 3 hours closer to being to Florida and we have LOTS of Chick-fil-A's down here! Maybe next time????

Sarah's Scrapbooking said...

It looks like you guys had lots of fun on your random trip to PA. I wish I could just go on random trips like that. Well hope all is well. Can't wait to see you on Thursday!!!!!!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a nice road trip. Of course there was construction! Always... I won't tell you we live across the road to a Chic-Fil-A; you'll have to come visit us and we'll go there for lunch. :)