Sunday, February 8, 2009

Living Room

In house news...we've moved on to the living room. This is not to say that our other projects are complete, because they are definitely not. However, the living room is where we entertain those who come to visit us and it currently is less than welcoming in all of its white-wash glory. This weekend to spackled and sanded down the walls and marked off for the chair rail. Then it was on to painting! The two tones we have chosen are Vanilla Bean (a very pale, creamy yellow) and Sesame (a light silvery-brown). Both of these colors are the same as the stitching in our cranberry silk window treatments, so I think they will really compliment the room. I'm also very excited about the chair rail and am hoping it gives some depth to this otherwise boring area of our house. It's taking a TON of work, though, because all of the baseboard needs to be redone, along with the ceiling, crown moulding and window trim. We're looking forward to having this room done so I can finally find a matching living room furniture set and feel proud to entertain!! We'll keep you updated on the progress!

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