Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ocean Wonders

For Christmas, my parents got Lilli a really neat projector that plays water sounds and music, as well as displays an ocean scene on the wall or ceiling. Last night after story time, I put Lilli on my knees and projected the image up on the ceiling. This was her reaction...(she's never "talked" so much in one sitting)!

Friday, December 25, 2009

We've been trying very hard to capture Lilli's smiles on film, but she seems to put them away whenever the camera comes out. It has made for some other funny videos, however. She makes some pretty cute faces and has started "talking" back to us, which is so much fun (ask me if I think that when she's 16 and talking back!). Hopefully soon we'll have some smiles to share!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! We hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating Jesus' birthday!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two Months!

Lilli celebrated her two month "birthday" yesterday! How exciting! Time is going so quickly (I'm sure I'll say that every time she is another month older)! She's still working hard on her neck control and recently has started rolling onto her side from her belly. We're hoping for a full tummy-to-back roll any day now! She's also been really good about staying awake during the day and sleeping a full 8 hours at night. Ryan and I are very thankful for this change, although she's admittedly never been a terrible sleeper. We're looking forward to month three and can't wait to see what new things she learns!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We have so much fun with this stacker that I just had to take video. Today she was "dancing" and giving us lots of smiles while playing with her toy! We're very thankful to Emma and Tyler for passing this toy down to their baby cousin!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tummy Time

Lillian has been spending a lot of time working on her neck strength lately, and I've been able to capture some video. This isn't the best one, but all of the great video I captured is too lengthy to post on Blogger and Facebook. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy this one!